In the latest news, famous rapper DaBaby is the newest victim of ‘cancel culture,’ a term in which many celebrities are all too familiar. Cancel culture has taken over social media to completely shut a person out because of their actions or words done publicly.
Merriam-Webster defines cancel culture as, “the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure.”
Over the past year, I have seen cancel culture affecting the lives of many celebrities and public figures on social media. I have seen the actions of the cancel culture victims and the repressions they have faced because of it.
Cancel culture originated from simply decided to cancel someone for their actions and behavior in the media. Many celebrities and public figures are the main targets of cancel culture due to their huge following and major media influence. In most cases cancel culture is a way of holding a person accountable, but in severe cases, it can include completely blacklisting a person and ruining their career.
There have been recent debates on whether cancel culture is ethically okay and if it is deemed as taking situations too far. The most recent cases I have seen that stood out were Chrissy Teigen and DaBaby as extreme cases of cancel culture.
Chrissy Teigen a member of the “cancel club” as she calls it found herself in news headlines in June after some old cyberbullying tweets resurfaced. Teigen made hurtful comments and allegedly sent mean messages to Farrah Abraham, Lindsey Lohan, and Courtney Stodden in 2011 that resurfaced in May of 2021.

After receiving tons of backlash, Teigen took some time off social media only to return reflecting on the lessons learned of the horrible things she said in the past. Teigen also posted to her Medium to issue a public apology to those she has hurt.
I must say, it was very heart-wrenching to see someone I love to follow and watch on social media reflect on how to cancel culture has affected her in many ways, including being in a depressive state over her past actions.
Another controversial case of cancel culture is the famous rapper DaBaby. On July 25th at Rolling Loud music festival in Miami, DaBaby went on a homophobic rant after his performance, stating false statements regarding gay men and HIV.
The dreadful statements DaBaby went on to say are, “If you didn’t show up today with HIV, AIDS any of the deadly sexually transmitted diseases that’ll make you die in two to three weeks, put your cellphone lighter up,” DaBaby said. “Fellas, if you ain’t sucking di*k in the parking lot, put your cellphone lighter up.”
After his awful statements hit social media, fans were divided on whether his words were “that serious” or not. Many people stated that his rant was filled with hateful and false statements regarding HIV/Aids, while others stated that what he said was merely his own opinion.
Celebrities such as Madonna, Elton John, Questlove, and more took to social media to express their distaste for the ignorant comments the artist made.
Since his remarks at Rolling Loud, DaBaby has been dropped from seven lineups from various festivals around the US. Since his outrageous remarks, he has then issued a public apology to his fans and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Miley Cyrus took to social media to extend her thoughts on the situation and propose a meeting to personally educate DaBaby on HIV/Aids in hopes that they can learn from each other.

The debate continues on the validity of cancel culture and if it serves an actual purpose or if it is a toxic infringement on freedom is speech. Certainly, a cancel culture can negatively impact a person’s social status and mental well-being. Cancel culture is a relevant part of society that I do not see going anywhere for a while now. The hope is that people who make these awful mistakes learn and grow from their mistakes and become people because of them.