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Issue 17 Out Now

Work-life Balance: Real or Myth

We have all heard the saying that everyone should have a work-life balance, no matter how old you are you get told that all the time. But if this, is a myth that we have just been told to thrive to do and it isn’t true. Having a work-life balance is very essential for everyone to have to still enjoy life and not be stressed out. Depending on your lifestyle, it can be hard for some more than others, but it is obtainable.

It states on ApolloTechnical, that “72% of people consider work-life balance when job-searching. A lot of people want to have a mixture of work and life but it is something that you have to keep prioritizing if you want it.

There are a couple of things to consider when it comes to work-life balance. The first thing is that work is a part of life, they are two distinct parts of our everyday lives but they are both needed in our lives. If we are all about work, then we will get stressed and not do what we enjoy outside of work but if we are all about fun and hanging out then we will always be living on the edge and not working towards anything. You definitely need a balance in your life but they are both a part of each other. As reported on Forbes, “No matter what you do, whether it is building things, selling things, or helping people, your career can be an enriching part of your human experience.” Working is something that helps us to build skills and improve our lives whether we believe it or not.

Another thing is that when people focus on the work-life balance, they risk setting for less or things they don’t actually want. We should be doing the things that we love in life whether that is a job, hobbies, or even friendships. When we try to make the wrong job feel “right” because of the money or coworkers, the spark in our life tends to diminish quicker than when we have a job that we love and are living life well. We need to ask ourselves if are we living well or just doing it right. As stated in Forbes, “If you are not living well — taking care of yourself, making healthy choices and putting your all into your work — then it won’t matter if your career and personal life are “balanced.” We need to be enjoying and loving things that we are doing and living well, not just doing the right things because it will rob us of our happiness and joy in life.

Per Time Magazine, it states that “Doctors who weave the fabric of their life with at least 20% red threads are significantly less likely to experience burnout.” This can go for any career, burnout is a real thing and happens more often because we are doing too much all at once and that leads to being stressed out and burnout at our job. We need to have a mixture in our lives involving little things in our lives every day that we love to help prevent it.

We should find love in the things that we are doing and have a balance in our lives whether that is in our jobs or outside. When we start to do that then we will see a difference in ourselves and everyone around us will benefit from it. So the work-life balance is more of a myth, even though the majority of us thrive to live our life like this, we should focus on doing what we love.

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