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Vol. 2 Issue 1 Out Now

Life In A Day 2020: A Youtube Original Made During The Pandemic

Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

Life in a Day 2020, is a documentary centered around one day: July 25, 2020. Over 324,000 videos were sent in from 192 countries. The documentary is directed by Academy Award winner Kevin Macdonald, produced by Ridley Scott, and filmed by people all over the world.

This documentary comes ten years after the original Life in a Day in 2010. In 2010, people all over the world were asked simple questions about their lives and were told to film them.

Ten years later, life is completely different with the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, which has broken many individuals and communities.

The one hour and a half movie open with a mother trying to give birth naturally, while a man sings over the montage in another language. He seems to be a medical first responder, fighting the virus firsthand.

The documentary quickly jumps to different parts of the world where mothers are giving birth during a pandemic, and some tune-in to various births via video chat, while the fathers cut the umbilical cord with a masked smile.

While watching, it is both exciting and emotional to see life being welcomed into a world that is fighting a pandemic and unrest overall.

The welcoming of life soon turns to saddening news when television is heard playing information on the heartbreaking death of Breonna Taylor.

A Black woman is introduced with the statement, “the dreadful 2020.” Scenes quickly change again to different ways people wake up and start their day around the world.

Whether it is brushing your teeth with your dad, or doing yoga in a plant room, people definitely did not expect to wake up to the streets empty, and dirty masks sprawled on city streets.

One man is left homeless and living in his car because of the pandemic. While one man is struggling to get by in his car, another family across the world is showing their son read to his pet rat in the morning sunshine.

It goes to show you that there are people who are struggling, there are ones who live off well, and there are people who can find comfort in seeing their struggles aren't the only ones, and it is hauntingly deceitful.

I found myself crying through the happy moments and the down, frustrating moments. I sat here and cried for the women trying to get pregnant, happy cried the next minute over a family celebrating their daughter's birthday in another country.

I cried even more as their son sang their favorite song in Arabic, smiling and beaming confidently.

I am a sucker for love stories, and once the film showed an array of both happy and sad love stories, I began to sob.

It's incredibly beautiful to see people fall in love, or fall out of love and grow, during such a fragile time where it felt like the world stopped moving.

The world is awake and still living. This documentary did an exceptional job of being both a solace and a time capsule to look back on years from now.

I came across a comment about the documentary that said they felt both so small and so big after watching the documentary. That is a great way to describe this film; we are all in our own little bubble and we forget to realize there are millions of people out there who are experiencing the same day differently.

Although we are all different, we are all human and need to realize we do more by celebrating our differences.

The film switched consistently from joyful, loud moments, to both quiet and humbling moments. I believe that shows how life is; there are going to be so many wavering moments of different emotions, and that is okay, that is life. Although it is hard, it can be beautiful.

2O20 looked different to us, but at least we are still here; at least we are moving forward.


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