Did you know that the US produces an average of more than 1,700 pounds of food, plastic, and hazardous waste per person? At that rate, 5% of the world’s population generates 40% of the world’s waste. Every year 400 million tons of hazardous waste is produced according to HWH Environmental It is crazy to think we are generating so much toxic waste in the united states. All of the toxic waste that we are using within the days and weeks can be harmful to us, animals, and plants no matter where it ends up. If you are wanting to help make a difference in the world or at least in your neighborhood or city then stick around and I’ll tell you some things that you can do to eliminate toxic waste.
Three ways to eliminate toxic waste
Reduce, Reduce and Recycle
~ This method is a very well-known process but it is a tried and true method. If we reduce the consumption of hazardous waste that we use then it will have a domino effect of things that are beneficial to us and the environment. The same goes with recycling and reducing, if we try to use and buy fewer things it will help out.
According to the EPA, it states that “Recycling hazardous waste can mean less air, water, and soil pollution associated with these practices. Also, recycling can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). When hazardous wastes are recycled, less energy is needed to obtain raw materials and to manufacture products.”
2. Using less-harmful and toxic items ~ Majority of the toxic waste that we generate comes from the items that we use on a daily or weekly basis like store-bought bottles of water grocery bags. A lot of the water bottles and grocery bags that we use are not made from safe and healthy materials, the plastics that they are made from are hazardous. If you want a safer and less-harmful alternative, buy an actual water bottle and just fill it up before you go out and try to use the reusable bags.
According to nature.org, it states that “By taking your own water with you, you’ll also reduce your chances of purchasing more expensive beverages on the go. This will eliminate the one-time-use containers they come in….Many grocery stores will provide a 5 cent per bag refund so you’ll save a few cents while reducing your usage of one-time-use plastic bags.”
3. Composting ~ Composting is a term that a lot of eco-friendly people or even people who like to garden will know about and probably do a lot. Composting is taking your leftover vegetables, fruits, egg shells, coffee grounds, and much more items and using them as fertilizers instead of throwing them away. This way will help both of you out so much because natural fertilizers like this will help your garden so much. According to nature.org, it states that “While composting requires more effort than the previously mentioned lifestyle changes, it will provide you with a beneficial return on your investment of time and effort. Depending on the conditions, you may have compost in 3 to 12 months to use in your garden.”
These are a couple of ways to help eliminate toxic waste and even start living a zero-waste lifestyle.